Terms & Conditions

Terms of Reference for the making of awards by the Barton & Dunstall Key Trust

Revised and Approved by the Trustees on 10th August 2018
Amended and approved by Trustees on 13th May 2022
  1. 1.     The Barton and Dunstall Key Trust (Reg. No. 217929) makes grants to Individuals to relieve either generally or individually those who are in conditions of need, hardship, or distress and to groups & organisations towards the provision of other activities that benefit the community and residents in the Trust’s area of operation.

    The Trustees can consider applications from:
    1.1  organisations that are able to satisfy the Trustees of their ability to run efficiently, are sustainable and are open to all residents appropriate to that organisation.
    1.2  individual young people involved in extra-curricular activities which build character and also develop or improve skills and qualifications. This may include musical & sporting activities and the opportunity to realise an ambition but would not normally include clothing, equipment, club subscriptions or tuition fees.
    1.3  individuals of any age who have an infirmity or disability or are in distress through illness, bereavement, accident, or financial circumstances. Both temporary and longer-term circumstances may qualify.
    1.4  new applicants for the receipt of Christmas vouchers will be required to submit an application form (see points 3 and 15) and be endorsed by at least one Trustee who either has personal knowledge of the circumstances of the applicant or is able to substantiate the element of need.
    1.5  where an application is made and involves health or other issues outwith the reasonable knowledge of the Trustees, then the applicant (or suitable person with the applicant’s permission) should obtain a letter of support from someone qualified to give support to their claim.

    a)    Grant applications from companies, organisations or individuals who are trading for profit and where the grant would be used to cover costs that should rightly be borne by the business will be refused. Where such an application is made to assist in an activity that does not directly benefit the business but is believed by the Trustees to have value to the community then such applications can be considered.

    b)      Where an application is for financial assistance that should normally be met from Public sources then only in exceptional cases would a grant be made. Under normal circumstances such applications would not be granted. Awards will not be made for the direct benefit of educational establishments or activities which are normally the responsibility of the County or Local Authority, Health Service or Government. The Trustees may consider applications for services that augment those that the State should provide where that will speed recovery from illness or assist with a disability. We will not support applications where a more cost-effective solution exists or where provision may be unsafe.

    c)      Where a grant is made to an individual to undertake a trip or achieve an ambition that the Trustees believe is beneficial to the applicant’s development (whether or not voluntary work forms part of the application) then they would not qualify for future funding for a similar activity. Applicants should demonstrate in their application what the personal development benefits they expect to gain from the activity or trip and include details of the cost of the trip and or equipment they may need to undertake it. Grants are not automatic, and Trustees will expect to see evidence of the applicant’s own fundraising efforts to help pay for the cost of the activity. When deciding an award Trustees will take into account: 
    a.      The applicant’s personal circumstances
    b.       The potential personal development benefits and any other new or improved skills and
    c.       What the applicant has done and intends to do to raise funds for the activity

    d)      Requests for funding of Further Education fees or for assistance in the purchase of books or equipment will not be granted. Further Education is defined as post state/free education.

    e) Where a request involves the beneficiary (or heirs) possibly receiving a financial benefit e.g., the sale of property after the Trust has paid for work on the property or a capital item with a sell on value then the Trustees can, if they decide, make a grant conditional. This may take the form of a non-repayable loan over a period of time. If at the end of the period the claimant remains in possession of the asset then nothing will be repaid but should it be disposed of during that period then a pro rata sum will be claimed by the Trustees based on the unexpired period of the loan i.e. a grant offered on a five year period but disposed of after three years would leave an amount equal to two fifths of the original grant value to be repaid.
  2. 2.     The geographical areas supported by the Trust are the civil parishes of Barton under Needwood and Dunstall. Requests for assistance will be considered only from individuals residing within that area, or organisations supporting people who reside within that area, other than in exceptional circumstances. Any application which seeks to benefit a charity directly or indirectly, good cause, organisation or individual outwith the Parishes of Barton under Needwood or Dunstall will not be granted.

    3.     All applications must be in writing and supported as in 13 below.
    Applications may be made either by individuals themselves or, with their agreement, by written recommendation to the Trustees by a friend, neighbour or professional who has detailed knowledge of, and can vouch for, the applicant’s needs and circumstances. Organisations seeking grants may have charitable status, should be non-profit making with written objectives and a constitution that must accompany their application. The Trustees will not support organisations with political or racist objectives.
    The Trustees will normally consider applications only at their meetings, dates of which are posted on the Trust website and fully completed forms should be sent to the Trust’s clerk no later than two weeks before the published date. The cut-off date for receipt of applications is also on the Trust website.
    The Chair may, in very exceptional circumstances, make small grants outside these dates for ratification by the Trustees at their next meeting.
    The Trustees reserve the right to decline applications when these are not valid, are from outside or area of benefit or when funds are exhausted. All valid applications will receive written notice of the Trustees’ decision which is final

    4.    An award to an organisation may take the form of an annual grant which may continue to be paid for up to three years to enable the organisation concerned to achieve a specific objective.

    5.     The level of grant available for individuals will be decided by the Trustees depending on the application and circumstances but would not normally exceed £1,000. Grants to an organisation will not normally exceed £10,000 although in exceptional circumstances Trustees may agree to exceed this level depending on the project and the needs. The Trustees’ decision on the levels of grant available will take into account the funds available and likely income for that year.

    6.     Except as above (clause 4) grants are paid on a one-off basis. Individuals should note that there is no entitlement to annual grants or automatic payments. The payment of a grant in one year does not give any subsequent entitlement. Grants may be available through the year.

    7.     Only one grant will be made to any organisation or individual in any two year period, except in exceptional circumstances

    8.     The Trustees will concentrate their attention on major projects within organisations, the definition thereof to be decided by the Trustees, on the grounds that most should be able to finance minor items out of their own funds. Awards will not be made towards the cost of transport vehicles, but the Trustees will consider contributing to the cost of temporary hire where this forms part of a wider application.

    9.     Applications from clubs or organisations and individuals (where appropriate) should include details of their own fundraising activity in support of the project for which assistance is being requested. This should include information on funding obtained from other sources as well as any pending outcomes of other applications.

    10.   An award towards a major project may be made in the form of a pledge, the award to be paid at such time as the organisation concerned is able to satisfy the Trustees that it will be able to raise the total sum required to complete the project. After the expiry of 12 months the pledge will be withdrawn, and the organisation required to re-submit its application.

    11.   Subject to the Trustees’ discretion, awards will only be made towards specifically stated and costed projects and not to general funds. Where awards are granted (by letter) the individual, group or organisation must take up the grant within 12 months and will be paid only on receiving proof of a receipt. In the event that a grant payment is made to an individual to comply with staged payments for the approved activity and no full and final receipt is therefore available, failure to complete the payments or to take part will necessitate the grant being repaid in full.

    12.   All monies awarded will be spent only on the project specifically agreed by the Trustees. If spent otherwise, without the Trustees’ written permission, repayment of the award will be required.

    13.  Successful grant recipient organisations will acknowledge publicly, wherever feasible, the support of the Barton and Dunstall Key Trust and participate in any public awareness campaign or advertising required by the Trustees to promote awareness of the Charity. Where appropriate, acknowledgement of the Trustees’ support to be mentioned in any programme, poster, or leaflet. For large capital projects the Trust will require organisations to use its logo to provide permanent recognition of the Trust’s involvement.

    14.  Each individual or organisation must apply in writing by post or email to the Clerk completing the standard application in full. The Trustees reserve the right to request additional information and to defer or decline applications until this has been received. It is advisable to apply well before each deadline to allow the Clerk to check that your application is complete and for you, if necessary, to provide any additional information.

    15. Grant Monitoring - The Trustees reserve the right to audit the recipient’s use of funds granted after the event through personal visit, a questionnaire or grant feedback form, covering such issues as:
    - How the grant was spent
    - Requesting evidence of such expenditure for which the grant was given
    - The benefits received or captured from the grant
    - How the administration process of your grant application could be better undertaken
    - Your perception of the Barton under Needwood and Dunstall Key Trust and how it operates.